This is one of my favorite faces to make when mom gets that *#*# camera out. She is having the hardest time getting photos of me in less I'm asleep. She thinks it's because I'm white (which really makes no sence at all becasue she can always get GREAT photos of my white poodle sister, Josie) and that the flash reflects off my fur. My eyes always look green in the photos too.
Don't tell her but It's really beacuse I don't want her to think ANYTHING with me is easy. She has taken in many dogs of all ages and she is finding me the hardest to train. I potty trained over night, but the rest of it I make sure to make VERY difficult for her. She is lucky if I sit when asked to. We pekingese are a very unique breed of dog as far as our temperments go. The work that mom would say describes me the most is stubborn, but I say it's just because I'm a princess and princesses should be able to do anything and everything we want whenever we want to do it.
As you might beable to notice from my photos that I can never seem to stay white. When mom is with me I just mainly stay on the couch or on her lap, but as soon as she leaves the room I turn into a magic puppy who knows no bounds. I climb into the trash every chance I get (I'm the only dog who doesn this here) I have learned how to get into the diaper pail (to get my favorite treat) and how to push open the bathroom door where the diaper pail is kept. Right now mom has confined me to the living room in less she is watching me each second because I do this stuff even if she is in the house but only in another room. Then, when mom discovers I have something naughty she tries to take it away. That makes me SO mad so I hang on for dear life and GGGRRROOOWWWLLL! She has tried all the "turn the pup over on it's back to show dominance" stuff but that just makes me madder! I have even lightly bit my big human sister because she tried to take something away from me. She wasn't mad at me though, and I didn't actually hurt her, but mom was sure mad. If one of the human kids have something I want I just try to take it away. I can't be in the same room with them when they eat because I will NOT quit trying to steal it untill it is mine. This is a new thing for mom and she is getting frustrated but will never give up.
When she has to leave the house and I don't get to go she puts me in a large crate so I don't get into trouble when she is gone. I don't mind the crate at all though. It has a comfy bed, and food, water, and toys in it but she can't make herself keep me in there when she is home. Mom thinks part of the "problem" with my naughty behavior is the fact that we pekes have been royalty for over a thousand years and we KNOW it. We weren't meant to follow orders. Both Chen Po and Tian-Shi (my pekingese siblings) are little angels compared with me, but mom thinks it's because they both were rescued from bad situations but I have always had an easy life. They both are a bit stubborn but nothing compared to me, and boy am I proud of that. A princess should always be the best at what she sets her mind out to do. (this is from Bai-Jin's mom: If anyone has ideas I sure would appreciate the help)
Labels: Trouble
Hi Bai-Jin,
Freda here. Thanks for sniffin' around my place last month. Sorry I didn't get back until now. Sooo many things goin' on at the same times.
I see you have lots of companys at your forever home in Grand Junction. I used to live in Aurora. We drove through GJ on our way to the left coast, where we live nows. Not ON the coast, but a lots closers than Aurora.
I hope you reeeeallys enjoy your new home and family.
My family wishes your family a great holiday season.
P.S. Beta Blogger won't put my pretty face at the top of my bark. Guess I will have to go to beta soons.
Hi, its summer here!
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